Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I give thanks and gratitude

Thankful, grateful, and joyful. I cannot find the words to express my gratitude. My thanks for being able to feel like this again. Thanks for being able to be back and able. There once was a time I was over come and overwhelmed by disease and health issues - ultimately unable to find a direct solution and given an overwhelming diagnosis. Thankful for the spirit and love of GOD deep within me, that guided and knew there is a way. With a back against a wall and nothing else to lose, unfortunately it took this extreme for myself to truly apply and live by ideas and concepts though I had thought I believed and considered in the past. Thankful through this too, I was able to come to closer understanding of what belief is. I hope to be able to share and articulate parts of my experience, in the hopes that it can give any support and help to those looking. I know in my case, I was moved and touched, motivated and encouraged to keep moving forward and to keep believing and strengthening that belief. I truly think that faith in love is not only the strongest moving and creative force, but the truest form and highest aspect of all man. What ever that is and what ever form it may take, though the feeling is always the same. My apologies to those that read this cloud of unstructured thoughts. I felt I had to get this one out, just for me. Thank you.